About the Book
Idioms in Kasika is a scientific study of Sanskrit expressions called Idioms which are supplied in the Kasika Vrtti illustrating the working of the sutras of Panini. These idioms bear excellence in structure and meaning producing aesthetic effects in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantic motivations and also in sociocultural spheres. The study covers a vast area in (our main chapters with an ‘Introduction’ and ‘A Brief Analysis’ . of the Findings’. The Introduction considers the Kasikan illustrations not only in their historical perspectives, but also sets forth the nature, scope and value of such a study as well as the tools used and method adopted in the study. Chap. I titled as ‘Principle is devoted’ to the identification of the pure Kasikan illustrations after sorting out from them those of Panini, Katyayana, Patanjali and non-Paninian systems of Katantra, Candra, and Jainendra. Then the idiomatic aIustrations of Kasika are put to different classifications. Chap. A presents a ‘Tabular Analysis’ of the idiomatic illustrations containing exhaustive information’s thereon from historical, structural and semantic points of view. The table thus prepared can prove to be a referential tool for grammatical research. Chap. AI discusses certain ‘theoretical stand points’ related to these idioms including the phenomenon of idiom-formation. The approaches to the study of Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics and Stylistics are adopted to the study of idioms. Chap. IV is devoted to ‘Sociocultural’ study of Kasikan idioms and this forms one of the main contributions of the author to the study of Sanskrit language. The use of language in the context of varied life-situations and their bearing in Indian culture and its glory are very ably brought forth. The findings are analysed from Interpretational, Graphical, Theoretical and Application points of view. It has been rightly proved from this work that the study of languages as a behavioural characteristics of human beings has been a fundamental point of Panini’s observation. The study envisaged in this book is highly commendable for its scientific approach and neat execution.
About the Author
(Dr.) Radhamadhab Dash, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D .. (Sanskrit), LL.B. working as Reader, Post-graduate Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751004. (a) Born on D. 04.02.1957 in the village Srijang, P.S. Khantapada, Dist. Balasore-756044, Orissa; father: Sri Ramanarayana Dash, mother: Smt. Savitri Devi; (b) Education: primary level at village school, secondary level at Bahanaga High School (1969-73), College education (1973- 79) from Fakirmohan College, district head quarters, Balasore, Post-graduation (1977-79), M. Phil. (1984) and Ph.D. (1991) from Post- graduate Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University; LLB (1995) from University Law College, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar; (c) Academic Performance: A brilliant first class academic career through out with Distinction in B.A. Honours (Sanskrit), stood 2nd from the Utkal University both in B.A and M.A., first Ph.D. holder on a topic from Paninian Grammar from Utkal University; specialization: Classical Literature and Grammar; (d) Knowledge of Foreign Language along with the certificate degrees in Russian (1980), German (1991) and spoken Japanese (1994), Advanced Course in Pali, Prakrt & Apabhramsa language and Literature (1993); (e) Research: personal research in the branch of Sanskrit Grammar, about twenty research papers published in National Journals besides the two books including the present one, another being: Bharatiya Sahityara Srsti O Vikasa: Pali 0 Apabhramsa (inOriya); (f) Guided 15 M.Phil. students for preparing their dissertations (up to 1994-95 session) and 3 Ph.D. students (now in preparatory stage); (g) Membership in a number of National Institutions for Research and propagation of Sanskrit language; (h) Participated in about 12 sessions of National Conferences with Original research papers; (i) Service: joined the P.G. Deptt. of Sanskrit, Utkal University as Lecturer in March, 1983, placed in Senior Scale in March 1990 and selected as Reader in May, 1995 having more than 13 years’ teaching experience in Post-graduate and M. phil. classes in the Utkal University.
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